Your guide to old Minecrafting!

Old Tech Guide - Minecraft

The Essentials

Alternative Launchers (You should get this)

Prism Launcher (The best launcher. Windows 10/11.)
Prism Launcher 9.0 patched for Windows 7 (Windows 8.1 to Vista)
MultiMC (If you want a small launcher. Best for Windows XP (Make sure you update internet certs in XP). Might work on 2000.)
OLauncher (Good if you like the old launcher. Works on Windows 2000 (Make sure you update internet certs in 2K and XP) and up)


Eclipse Adoptium (Java 8+) Azul (Also has Java 6 and 7)

Guide to Java for Minecraft

Minecraft 1.11.2 and before = Java 6 (If you can, use Java 8 instead)

Minecraft 1.16.5 and before = Java 8

Minecraft 1.17 to 1.20.4 = Java 17

Minecraft 1.20.5 and after = Java 21

The Actual Stuff You Want

Btw this uses Fabric

Simply Optimized Modpack (You can grab another pack if you want)

along with...

Entity Texture Features
Entity Model Features
Fabric Language Kotlin
Mod Menu

You can add other mods if you like. Also there might be other mods you need for some mod to work. Like Fabric API. Grab these like thse ones on Modrinth.

Resource Packs

Programmer Art Ultimate
C418 Songs Only

Also grab these if you are going for the beta feel. Also good for Alpha/In(f)dev

Alpha Minecraft Logo (If you want early beta or before)

The Original Minecraft Logo (By Me!) (b1.4 to 1.15.2)

Either Golden Days


Beta Continuum if you want Beta style

Golden Days also has an Alpha addon if you like that

These Following Vanilla Tweaks:

No Java Edition Subtitle

Classic Menu Panorama (Don't use this if you are going for the beta feel)

Old Enchant Glint

Blue Widget Highlights

Oarless Boats

Terracotta to Hardened Clay

Dirt Path to Grass Path

Old Shulker Box Colors This reverts shulker boxes to pre 1.12 colors)

Old Wool Colors (This reverts wool to pre 1.12 colors)

Bed Icons (Pre 1.12 Bed Icon)

Poppy to Rose (If you want 1.7.2 and before)

Now here is the order you should put the resource packs


The Original Minecraft Logo

C418 Songs Only

Glass Pane Culling Fix

Default Connected Textures

Golden Days Alpha (Golden Days addon)

Golden Days Base / Beta Continuum

Programmer Art Ultimate

Programmer Art

Fabric Mods

Default Textures

"Alternate" Versions of Old Minecraft.

Legacy+ (They modded Classic, Indev, and Infdev)
Not So Seecret Saturday (a1.1.2_01)
Minecraft Diverge (a1.1.2_01)
Better Than Adventure! (b1.7.3)
New Frontier Craft (b1.7.3)
ReIndev (A mod that makes b1.7.3 look like Indev with new features?)
MangoPack (b1.7.3) (More of just a regular modpack but for b1.7.3)
Authentic Adventure (Release 1.2.5)