Here is where you go for audio I have stored here. Also, the "Weird Al" tracks and most of the MIDIs are from either the Wayback Machine or MIDI websites.
Clair de Lune
The Entertainer
Fur Elise
The Star Spangled Banner
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Hurrian Hymn No.6
Among the oldest songs that can be recontructed
Don't Download this Song
Weird Al let people download this song back in the day (Ironically)
You're Pitiful
Weird Al also let people download this song back in the day
Waltz No. 2
Soldier of Dance / Kazotsky Kick in the SM64 Soundfont
I plan to upload this to YouTube soon...
MIDI CITY!!!!!!!
NOTE: It takes a few seconds before they play. Be patient