My Old Blog - Part 2
Part 1Monday, February 28th, 2023
I think I am going through a lull in terms of playing on my Minecraft world. I might play again in a few days. So I probably won't upgrade to 1.9
next sunday. But hey! March is tommorow!
Monday, February 27th, 2023
I did not feel like playing on the world today. I will probably play tommorow though. But I noticed I was able to use the Bing AI thingy now. So
I was able to make it generate a html file of a 40's gangster boss's blog. It was very amazing!. I will have a link to the file. Everything from
the code to the favicon art is from AI.
Sunday, February 26th, 2023
Since it has been exactly two weeks since I started the world, & I upgraded to 1.7.10 a week ago, I am now on 1.8.9. Anyways I did a mining session
and got EVEN MORE copies of the cat disc. (I have like 10 man) I also got TWO MORE copies of Disc 13. (Seriously how common are they?) Anyways,
I also expanded my road by a long shot. I got some quartz in the nether.

Saturday, February 25th, 2023
I am unable to just make gameplay videos on youtube as an alternative to posting updates on my website. My PC is just too bad of a PC to run Minecraft
at a stable fps when recording. But I will still do stuff with the channel. Maybe posting updates about it there, or other Minecraft stuff, or showing
off stuff like my N64 and my Wii when I am able to get it up & running again.
As for Minecraft, on the horrible recording that I made and later deleted, I did a little bit of mining, slightly extended my road, and trapped a Zombie
Villager which was in vain as he burned to death in the morning as apparently zombies can burn under trapdoors.
Friday, February 24th, 2023
I have started playing on the world again. I started a big road project. I only did the part that is inside my outer wall. I'l do more later. But I have
been noticing I am going to stagnate if I only do the big goals of mine, so I have decided to start a build for it that won't take too long. A 7-11 Gas
Station! So my first order of buisness was to grab sheep. Luckly I took a screenshot of where some were on the same trip I got my first 3 dogs & my
horse. So I went there and got some sheep. I was close to snapping because of how STUPID the Sheep AI & pathfinding systems are in this version.
I don't think they have changed a bit in 1.19.3 or 1.19.4. But yep.

Two more things. First off, I am thinking about maybe just posting gameplay of my world on youtube that way I don't have to describe everything that happens on my
world on my blog. rather, I can just post a link to my video. Here is a link to my channel btw.
Second off, I think the power supply for my Wii is been broken. The Wii doesn't work when I plug it in anymore sadly. I'l try to get a new one and see if that is the issue. I hope that's the issue...
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023
For me, it is less than half an hour until midnight. But anyways, I have thought of a cool idea for the world when I play again. When I eventually get
villagers, I can build an underground village like those vaults in Fallout. It would be pretty cool!
Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
I didn't feel like playing on the world today. Probably because I am getting bored doing the same things over and over again. So I am going to take a day
or two off of the world. But I plan to keep playing. I just need a refuelment of motivation. After all, I could get ideas of what to do in my world by looking
at stuff or watching videos.
Btw suck it Microsoft.

Monday, February 20th, 2023
So I decided to explore more of the nether, particularly for a fortress. All I got was a ghast tear, quartz, & glowstone dust. I also started a outer
wall and mined a bit for the cobblestone. It turned out good. All I need to do now is actually add torches to the outer space I have so mobs don't spawn.

One more thing, Apparently we just hit 2,500 views. Thank you guys for visiting my website and checking it out and seeing my blog for updates on stuff.
I really do appriciate it!
Sunday, February 19th, 2023
I decided to upgrade to 1.7.10 and I plan to play it for about a couple weeks and then I will upgrade to 1.8. I now am going to continuously upgrade
until I reach 1.12.2 as 1.13+ wouldn't be ideal for frame rates. Anyways, the first thing I did was mine. I went into the mineshaft and got 3 MORE cat
discs. But I also got Disc 13. I also got some saddles and horse armor among other things. Also a stack of iron. After I got done mining, I decided to
explore the new 1.7 terrain. I also brought a name tag and saddle for a horse. So I found a horse and tamed it. I also was able to get three wolves.
Then I came back home and tended to my animals & plants. I also finally got an enchantment table, a few maps, and a book & quill.

One more thing. I am going to have a world download for the newest world download at the Cool Links page of this website from now on. I plan to update
the link weekly every Sunday.
Saturday, February 18th, 2023
I went to the mineshaft that killed me last time and got some valuables there. Like 3 cat discs. I also made pig & chicken farms and added carrots
to my farm. I also made a furnace room and enchanting table room (I don't have an enhanting table yet). Overall, I made tons of progress today.

Thursday, February 16th, 2023
I ahev continued with the backup and I have gotten everything I had before I died in the stronghold. I have also created a nether portal and further
expanded my sugar cane farm and even got quartz & glowstone

One more thing, I also finally got the thing I needed to use my Atari 2600! I got to play E.T which is arguably the worst video game of all time.
I agree with that statement.
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
I did make some progress, I even got 8 diamonds. But that was all in vain because I died to a ton of mobs in the caves and it made me delete the
world and replace it with a backup from yesterday to forget that ever happened. I might need a day off the world for feelings to play again renew
But the show must go on, so here are the screenshots.

One more thing, I am thinking of maybe upgrading the world from 1.6 steadly to 1.12 like I was doing with the Beta 1.8 world. Why you might ask?
It is because I want to have the newer features of 1.7+. But that is still a concept. I do want to reiterate that the only reason I am not playing
on the latest version is because making and playing a world on it is unplayable on my computer.
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023
I have experienced my first death in the world due to a caving incident. I plan to only mine at Y 12 instead of Y 11 as I hate and despise
lava. I also did some farming.

One more thing, Happy Valentines Day to everyone reading!
Monday, February 13th, 2023
I have made some progress. I made a proper storage room & I made the very first pixel art in my yard. There is a picture for reference along
with the others below.

One more thing, I think I might consider posting about progress of this world on Reddit or something.
Sunday, February 12th, 2023
I have started a new survival world that is on and will probably remain to be on release 1.6.4. I plan to post daily about the world and
how it is doing. For now, here are some pictures!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
I watched the new Nintendo Direct after it finished and I was surprised that GB & GBA games were released on the Switch. Today is a
good day.
Sunday, February 5th, 2023
I decided to add an embedded stuff page on my website just because I felt like it. I did replace the Old Website link with it though.
But you can still get there by going to
Wednesday, February 1st, 2023
I saw a tweet from someone about how MCCIsland & TubNet were going to be competitors with Hypixel and them barely getting any
players. (Yes I still go on Twitter once in a while). and it brought a thought to my head "Hypixel basically has a monopoly
on the Java Edition multiplayer server market. Most people don't go on any other server because Hypixel has everything a
normal player would want; Survival Games, Skywars, Bedwars, Skyblock (especially Skyblock), and much more. There is basically
no way another server can top that really. There is also no way to stop it."
So yeah that is what I wanted to share.
One more thing, We have reached about 2,000 views (1,998 as of the time I am typing this) and I just want to thank everyone who
has visited my website. I just made it because I could, and now there has been a bunch of people who has seen me speak my mind.
and for that. Thank you!
Sunday, January 29th, 2023
I am putting hold on the Survival world until I know how I am going to play it like. I don't know if I want to play in an old
version and upgrade, just play on an old version, or do a modpack. If I had a good enough computer, I would choose the latest
version. but like I said, I have a terrible computer. So I need ideas on how to play before I actually start playing.
Thursday, January 26th, 2023
I tried installing Optifine for my MC instance and I think I might've accidently removed everything in it. Including the world.
I don't think it was because of Optifine because I don't think it would remove everything. Anyways, I am going to
start a new world tomorrow because I don't want to start over right now.
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
I got bored of the Minecraft world I made a few weeks ago. So I am starting a new world on Beta 1.8.1, and I am going to make sure I
don't get board of the world by trying to document as much as possible of this world. I also need a theme so I can reach towards reaching
some other goals. If you want to suggest something I could do on the world or something like that, join my Discord I made because I couldn't
make a guestbook.
One more thing. I do want to mention, I haven't lost motivation on this website as a whole. I just don't have anything interesting happening.
Saturday, January 21st, 2023
I just got some new games such as Big Brain Acadamy: Wii Degree, Just Dance 2014, Nascar '99, & some safety things for my Wii Remotes!
What a great day this has been!
Thursday, January 19th, 2023
I am missing something so I can plug the Atari 2600 into my TV. But I will be getting that soon I hope!
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
It now fully works except for the old version of the website being broken since it can't access the old images only for it & the style.css
In other news, I was given an Atari 2600 today suprisingly. Along with a bunch of games. Like Pac-Man and Mario Bros. It is very cool!
(Edit: The Old Website now works!)
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023
I am in the process of overhauling my website. The design I am going for isn't working right now, but the website is still usable luckly.
Saturday, January 14th, 2023
I am typing this less than 45 minutes before midnight. Nothing interesting has happened today but the website has been seen by 1,500 people! That's big!
Friday, January 13th, 2023
I have just updated to Alpha 1.2.3_04 on my world. And I felt like having a download link to it. So have at it!
Thursday, January 12th, 2023
Recently, I started a Minecraft world on Alpha 1.2.0 and I plan to upgrade versions from time to time untill I either reach the latest
update or maybe Release 1.6.4. Here are some screenshots from the world. So far, I am on Alpha 1.2.3b

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023
I added the day of week to the older posts. I also made some box art for Minecraft on old systems because I was bored.

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023
I decided to move the Youtube Videos I think are cool to a seperate page. On other things, Windows 8.1 lost support today. So that's something.

I also decided to add earlier posts that I made on Universeodon and Twitter just because. I'l add the day of week for those tommorow.
Monday, January 9th, 2023
I wanted to add the day of the week of each post. So I did. I also removed the color text on the main page as the marquee would act weird
and the marquee is more important than rainbow in my opinion.
Sunday, January 8th, 2023
I added colorful text to the main page, and that is about it today. Today is a non eventful day for me.
Saturday, January 7th, 2023
Because it would be time consuming, I decided to see if it would work in Internet Explorer if I downloaded the site & put it on Windows 95.
and lo and behold, It fully works! Except for the fact the embedded yt videos don't work (obviously) & the DVD thing I added to the site doesn't
work. But it's cool it actually works!

Friday, January 6th, 2023
I have discovered why it works on Windows 95. It is because my website was archived to the servers a couple days ago. I didn't expect
people to actually archive my website. But because of that, I can use my website sort of on Windows 95. So that's neat! But I bet if I got a browser
like the latest version of Opera that supports Windows 95, then I might be able to go on my actual website.
Thursday, January 5th, 2023
I have discovered my website sorta works on Windows 95! It is very funny to see this!

Wednesday, January 4th, 2023
I added more things to the website such as a marquee (gotta love those!), embedded yt videos of videos I like, & failed to get background music on the website. Today is a pretty good day.
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023
Nothing interesting has really been happening, as is life. Although in Minecraft on a server, I found a zombie pigman in my underground base
& named him Johnnypig for some reason.

Sunday, January 1st, 2023
It is now 2023. Like I typed yesterday, have a good 2023!
Saturday, December 31st, 2022
It is going to be 2023 in a few hours in my timezone. For anyone reading on this day or the day after, have a good 2023!
Friday, December 30th, 2022
I got my first N64 Game; "Star Wars Episode 1: Racer", and Just Dance 2, Wii Play, & Rayman: Raving Rabbids on the Wii. Today is a good day.
Social Media Posts I made Before the Blog